You may have just a few annoying pounds to lose, but it seems like an enormous problem when you can’t get rid of it. You give it a lot of time and attention that you’d rather devote to living. Or you may be seriously overweight and facing, or frightened of, devastating health consequences. The pain of being overweight has been well documented. You may be miserable over your weight, or just annoyed.
The Physical SufferingSome of the ways overweight can affect you physically:
High Blood Pressure
Heart Problems
High Cholesterol
High Blood Pressure
Sleep Apnea
Fatty Liver
Inability to Romp with Kids
The Fatigue and Burden of Movement
Staying Covered and Sweaty in Hot Weather
Reduced Productivity
The Emotional MiserySome of the ways overweight can affect you emotionally:
Lowered Self-Esteem
Personal and Job Discrimination
Humiliation and Indignities
Less Romantic Attention
Fear of Medical Horrors
Dreading the Future
Beach Phobia
Anxiety over a Restricted Retirement or a Foreshortened Future
Social Embarrassment
Social Phobia
The painful inability to reach and maintain normal weight robs people of their aliveness, their energy, their true identities as human beings, often their precious health, and even their very lives!
And if you’re obese, you may have even lost your dignity!Discrimination Against Overweight PeopleOur contradictory culture is 60% overweight while it also hates fat people: The 2005 book, Weight Bias, catalogs hundreds of academic studies which prove beyond doubt that there is widespread prejudice and discrimination against overweight people in a variety of areas.
Discrimination in Relationships
Entering into romantic relationships and marriage is more difficult for fat people, due to stigmatization and a restricted market of available partners.
Friendship formation is also more difficult.
Even other family members often stigmatize the obese.
Families are less willing to pay for the educational expenses of their overweight children.
Even discrimination by strangers is a routine experience of everyday life.
Even obese people often don’t like obesen people!
Discrimination in Hiring
Overweight people are less likely to be hired and promoted because they are more likely to be seen as lacking self-discipline and perseverance.
Even non-fat male job applicants who were in close proximity with fat women were evaluated more harshly than men in the presence of non-fat women!
Discrimination on the Job
Academic studies show that harsher discipline is recommended for overweight people.
Extremely overweight sales people are more likely to be assigned to undesirable territories.
Overweight female employees earn less than their non-fat counterparts.
Discrimination in Health Care
Other studies show that physicians and other healthcare providers have very negative attitudes toward obese patients (only drug addiction, alcoholism, and mental illness aroused more negative feelings than obesity).
At least 50% of healthcare providers endorsed statements that obese individuals are awkward, unattractive, ugly, and noncompliant.
By age three, children have decided that an overweight child is an undesirable playmate.
Children dislike and harshly judge their overweight peers.
Fat children are more likely to be teased, tormented, and victimized.
By age six, children have learned a distaste against overweight adults.
Obese children can face bias from multiple sources besides their peers, including family members, health professionals, and educators.
Obese children are less likely to get financial support for higher education.
WHAT’S WRONGYou probably know how to get and stay slender.. You eat fewer calories, avoid fattening foods, and burn more calories with exercise. Why can’t you permanently stop behaviors that cause you so much illness, danger, hurt, humiliation, shame, sorrow, anxiety, and self-contempt? It’s because your unaided willpower alone has become insufficient to enable you to stop the relentless painful cycle and to achieve permanent thinness. Dieting through willpower (including the commercial weight-loss programs) is the only way most people know to lose fat, and so their attempts although they may produce some short-term weight loss usually end in futility. Then comes the self-loathing and dread and more weight gain. 95% of all lost weight is regained, usually within a year!GOOD NEWS
With our education program, utilizing hypnotism and other behavior change techniques, your willpower is increased, and you are given suggestions to help your unconscious mind to be less likely to think of food as a stress-relieving drug.THE SOLUTION
As hard as it may be, just becoming slender isn’t enough. There’s more to reducing than just shedding pounds. For complete, long-term success, you must change your attitude and preferences for food. If you wish to become and remain comfortably thin, it helps to adopt the characteristics of a naturally thin person. So many people say that the answer to their unwanted fat lies in lifestyle changes, but few have been able to make the lifestyle changes they want. Through hypnotism, self-hypnosis, and other change methods, we help you to install willpower and new thoughts, emotions, and beliefs about food and about eating, which lead to new actions. These actions become your new lifestyle of a naturally thin person–the lifestyle that leads naturally toward a thinness that tends to stay.
“The easiest way to break bad habits is through hypnosis.”
In order to determine whether our program is right for you and whether Hypnosis will take you as a client, you’ll need to attend a free hypnosis screening. It’s fun and informative and usually takes about an hour. Once we know you and your situation, we can help to advise you about your specific needs. If hypnosis is not for you, we will tell you.
CALL NOW for your free hypnosis screening: (315) 432-1514
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Donec non ante ut felis tristique pretium. Aenean pharetra, odio eget viverra euismod, neque est imperdiet nisi, a molestie est sapien eu velit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi posuere orci nec odio consequat mattis. Sed neque purus, blandit vitae laoreet sit amet, euismod eu metus. Suspendisse ut enim vel risus sollicitudin cursus. Curabitur sed tortor libero. Praesent viverra consequat dolor, eu porta felis consectetur at.
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